The latest recipients of Al Fitrah’s braille Qurans in India are from Andhra Pradesh. They are Syed Hameed Khasem, a 28-year-old hafidz of the Quran and Shaik Akram, 27 years old who can read braille in English, Arabic and Telugu. Alhamdulillah Al Fitrah Foundation’s braille press here in Malaysia produces braille Qurans and Islamic texts and guides, for the visually impaired everywhere in the world.
Ramadan Voucher and Food Package Distribution
In the spirit of Ramadan, Alfitrah Foundation together with the House of Sayyidah Khadijah distributed grocery vouchers and food packages to 70 visually-impaired families at the MAB office in Brickfields on Saturday, April 2022 from 9:30am to 1:30pm.
Several dozens of deserving families were very happy to collect their RM 100 cash vouchers from Al Fitrah Foundation and food packages, which included the daily essentials such as rice, cooking oil, sugar etc., from the House of Sayyidah Khadijah.
Reaching Out to Support Others this Ramadan
Our braille Qurans in the hands of the blind in India
Our braille Qurans in the hands of the blind in India. This is Muhammad Walid Khan a 23 year old hafidz of the Qur’an from Uttar Pradesh, he is training to be an imam.
The next photo is Sohail Rafiq a 28 year old hafidz. Alhamdulillah AlFitrah foundation’s braille press here in Malaysia produces braille Qurans and Islamic texts and guides for the blind everywhere in the world.
Handed over 20 workbooks on Math and Science to Puan Zaidah
Alhamdulillah today we handed over 20 workbooks on Math and Science to Puan Zaidah and the teachers from Sekolah Menengah Pendidikan Khas Setapak , a secondary boarding school for the visually impaired.
The teachers and our staff have spent a month preparing the books using craft materials , brailon paper and our thermoform machine. Inshaa Allah the students will find the books beneficial and we look forward to more collaboration with the school . May Allah bless all those who took part in this to help the students learn better.