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Visitors from Kazakhstan

On January 10th, Brother Askar Shakirov and his mother visited the Al Fitrah Foundation, where they were warmly welcomed by Puan Sri Norma Hashim and Brother Abdul Majid. They discussed the Kazakh Braille project, focusing on improving the quality of Braille books and expanding the range of educational materials for visually impaired students in Kazakhstan

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e-Brelle Laptop Handover at Kolej Darul Quran JAKIM

Al Fitrah Foundation donated e-Brelle tablets to three students at Kolej Darul Quran JAKIM in mid-January. The ceremony was attended by Ustaz Dr. Yusri Mazlan, the Deputy Academic Director, along with other representatives from the administrative unit.

Brother Abdul Majid, representing Al Fitrah Foundation, spoke about the importance of knowledge and the Qur'an, highlighting how e-Brelle can help students in their Qur'anic studies. Dr. Yusri Mazlan thanked the Foundation and reminded students that the Qur'an in e-Brelle should be treated with the same respect as a physical Qur'an.

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A Courtesy Visit

A delegation from Madrassa An-Noor for the Blind visited Al Fitrah Foundation visited Al Fitrah Foundation recently. Puan Sri Norma Hashim, Founder & Trustee of Al Fitrah Foundation, extended a warm welcome to Maulana Hassan Murchie Saheb, Chairman of Madrassa An-Noor for the Blind, South Africa, and Ustaz Islah Busakorn from Madrassa An-Noor for the Blind, Thailand.

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Braille Primers for Madrasa-E-Noor in Bengaluru, India

The Rahman Foundation, based in Jalgaon, Maharashtra, delivered 50 copies of Braille Primers to Madrasa E-Noor in Bengaluru, the capital city of Karnataka, recently. Madrasa E-Noor is the first of its kind in the state, dedicated to serving visually impaired girls and women.

At present, Madrasa-E-Noor has 70 students—both online and onsite—with six dedicated teachers providing daily lessons. While the madrasa primarily focuses on female students, it also welcomes visually impaired boys who come to study the Quran. The students start with Braille Primers, which help them develop foundational skills, before advancing to the Braille Quran.

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Al Fitrah Foundation is supporting Sekolah Islamiyah in Kuala Lumpur by providing regular monthly contributions to help cover some of the school’s operational expenses.

Sekolah Islamiyah serves as an alternative educational institution, offering quality learning opportunities to refugee and migrant children while aiding their integration into Malaysian society. The school operates with both short-term and long-term funding from local NGOs and public donations, which go towards covering teachers' salaries, utility bills, learning materials, and addressing urgent community welfare needs. The funds are carefully utilized to ensure they have the greatest impact.

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