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28 November 2022. Al Fitrah Foundation team visited Darul Kalam centre in Gombak, KL to dispose of its damaged Braille Qurans and other religious books.

The centre is under the purview of the Department of Islamic Religious Affairs, Federal Territory (JAWI). With the help of volunteers, they have been carrying out the disposal service of al-Qurans damaged by floods since 20 December 2021.

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Safe Drinking Water for A Mosque

Water is a necessity for humans to survive.

Al Fitrah Foundation partnered with Viva Palestina Malaysia on their project in Gaza and donated a Water Desalination Plant (WDP) to Yaffa Mosque located in Deir Al Balah in the middle of Gaza strip.

According to Viva Palestina Malaysia, “Access to clean and safe water for consumption in Gaza has been a problem for many years. The situation is worse amongst families who are facing financial hardships.”

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Food Aid for Rohingyas

Rohingya refugees call Cox’s Bazar in Bangladesh their temporary home. It is the biggest refugee camp in the world and is extremely overcrowded. Living in shelters is hardly a place one can call home but a roof over their heads provides some form of shelter for our brothers and sisters. 

Five years ago, at the height of the tragedy, thousands of Rohingya Muslims fled their home. Fear drove this ethnic minority out of Myanmar, where they were denied citizenship, to avoid ethnic and religious persecution. 

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More Books for Al Fitrah Centre

In the second quarter of 2022, Al Fitrah Foundation added more braille Islamic and reference books to its modest library. The shelves are categorised according to language – English, Arabic and Bahasa Melayu.

This slow but steady process has led to the increase of various interesting titles.

The centre is open to all visually impaired brothers and sisters, young and old, who would like to increase their knowledge about Islam.

There is a small section reserved for children. More storybooks are currently being added to this section.

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Educational Braille Literature for a School Library

On Monday, 3rd October 2022, Al Fitrah Foundation Founder and Trustee, Puan Sri Norma Hashim and her team visited Sekolah Kebangsaan Pendidikan Khas (SKPK) Jalan Batu in Kuala Lumpur. Ten sets of Islamic braille literature were handed over to the school’s library.

Between mid-October and early-November 2022, Al Fitrah will be contributing another 48 sets of braille books, including regular reference materials and story books.

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