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Sponsored 700 Iqra' books to the Unit Agama of Kamunting Correctional Centre

Alhamdulillah we sponsored 700 Iqra' books to the Unit Agama of Kamunting Correctional Centre, under the Malaysian Prison Service for the detainees for their program of learning to read the Quran.

Here are representatives from the book publisher Galeri Umrahajj delivering the books to the Centre. Jazakillah khairan to sister Ida Hariati Hashim for arranging this.

Lokman Ayva from the Turkish blind association Beyazay

We are happy to share a photo of Lokman Ayva from the Turkish blind association Beyazay and the words from our Turkish friends:

Hagia Sophia is a one thousand five hundred year old building. When muslims conquered İstanbul, it was used as a mosque for 481 years.

Unfortunately, in 1934, it was changed to museum . But alhamdulillah, yesterday, its status as a mosque again was confirmed by president Erdogan. We had been very sad since 1934 and we are very very happy now, brothers and sisters. What Lokman brother is saying is Alhamdulillah, thousands of alhamdulillah.