Alhamdullilah, two sets of Al Fitrah Braille Quran arrived at the Al Noor Blind Madrasa, Door No. 45 Navalar Nagar, 2nd Street, S.S. Colony, Madura in Tamilnadu, India on 15 January 2022.
The initiative was coordinated by Brother Mohamed Ansari and others from Sadaqah20. Together, they arranged for the delivery of the braille Qurans.
On 21 January 2022, after Jumaat Prayers, the braille Qurans were presented to two top students of the Madrasa.
Haji Mustafa, who runs the Madrasa for 35 visually impaired and one physically challenged students, was very pleased to receive the gifts. Haji Mustafa not only teaches braille at the Madrasa, he is their mentor. He encourages his students to strive in learning and understand the holy Quran, and to read other braille books to improve themselves. The students live around the S.S. Colony area and are from very poor surroundings.