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Al-Fitrah Foundation donated some Quraanic braille primers , Surah Yasin , Juz Amma and 2 books on the 99 names of Allah

Al-Fitrah Foundation donated some Quraanic braille primers , Surah Yasin , Juz Amma and 2 books on the 99 names of Allah for the Zohra school for the blind in West Bengal. Syed Aboul Quasem a retired engineer living in London, started the school for blind orphans and poor children in order to give them a brighter future Inshaa Allah.


Jazakallah khairan to sister Farhana from Canada for sponsoring the books.

Light Camp (IV) for blind children to memorize Al Qur'an Al Karim 2015

This is the 4th year we are working with Dar al Quran al Kareem wal Sunnah in Gaza to hold a summer camp for blind children to memorise the Quran during their summer holidays.

The reason this camp has grown multifold since it first started with 15 children in 2012, is because the blind children really enjoy coming to camp and learning the Quran with their friends.

Please donate to enable us to invite more children to take part.

Sponsorship drive for the 2015 summer programme

Inshaa Allah we will launch the sponsorship drive for the 2015 summer program shortly once we work out the costs and find out how many blind students want to take part. We have organised this for 3 years now and every year the number of children who participate has increased , from 20 in 2012 to 60 students in 2014.

The deadly attacks on Gaza in July 2014 halted the camp prematurely but we completed the syllabus in Jan-Feb this year, alhamdulillah.

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