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Braille versions of Yasin and the Beautiful Names of Allah

Alhamdulillah Alfitrah Foundation has completed the English braille versions of Surah Yasin and the Beautiful Names of Allah and these are available now for distribution to the blind.

In Malay braille we also have Himpunan Doa and Wirid Sembahyang. Solat Jenazah, Solat Taubat and Solat Hajat. We are working on a guide to the Haj.

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Visit from Telaga Biru

Alhamdulillah yesterday representatives from Telaga Biru Sdn. Bhd. - Marketing & Sales which publishes the work of Ustaz Zahazan Mohamed came to visit the office of Alfitrah Foundation to look into the opportunity of working with us to provide access to Islamic knowledge for the blind.

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International Union of Braille Quran Services - IBQS

Alhamdulillah in 2014, people around the world working towards braille Quran literacy formally organised ourselves and registered as a union in Istanbul. This is the first step towards global cooperation and a symbol of the unity of the ummah around the world working together to promote access to the Quran for the blind. As it stands now, our members come from 14 different countries - Turkey, Malaysia, Indonesia, South Africa, Palestine, Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iran,India, Pakistan, Yemen, United Kingdom
and Germany.
Selahattin Aydın president of International Union of Braille Quran Services as well as our Turkish colleagues recently hosted a visit by blind schools in Somalia and Mogadishu in order to begin training the blind there to read the Quran in braille.

Visit from Kazakhstan friend

Azkar Sakhirov started the first classes in Kazakhstan to teach the blind to read the Quran in braille this summer. He dropped by the Al Fitrah Foundation office for a visit after he finished his studies at UIA before he returns to Kazakhstan . 

Inshaa Allah we will work with him to set up a centre of Quran learning for the blind in Kazakhstan.
