The Braille Resource Centre Pakistan distributed Braille Qurans and Primers to visually impaired students at the Government Degree College of Special Education in Bahawalpur, and individuals in other parts of Pakistan. May the students be diligent in their studies and attain profound knowledge of the Holy Quran.
Al Fitrah Foundation recently delivered Braille Qurans to recipients in the UK and will send several Braille books to a school in Somalia soon, all sponsored by donors. A new title has been added to the Braille book list, transcribed, and proofread by Brothers Mike, Amer, and Hilman.
In India, the Rahman Foundation team in Jalgaon distributed Braille Primers and is set to publish the Braille Quran to fulfil local orders.
Students from the Government Institute for the Blind in Peshawar, along with individuals from various regions of Pakistan, have recently received their Braille Qurans. This initiative promotes inclusivity and empowers visually impaired students to engage with the Holy Quran. Alhamdulillah!
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the Braille Research Institute Pakistan (BRFP) and all our generous supporters for their invaluable contributions, which have brought joy to many. We hope this initiative continues to grow, enabling more visually impaired students to study and connect with the Quran. Inshaa Allah.
The Blind Resource Foundation Pakistan (BRFP) recently held the "Voices and Vowels" event at the Usman Institute of Technology on White Cane Safety Day. This inclusive celebration brought together visually challenged and sighted students in competitions focused on Urdu speech and English spelling, showcasing their talents. The event underscored BRFP's dedication to accessibility, highlighted by the gifting of Arabic Braille Qurans. Awards, including white canes, symbolized empowerment, and strength, fostering inclusivity, and inspiring the community.
Al Fitrah Foundation’s collaboration with Blind Resource Foundation Pakistan (BRFP) for the second phase of the Braille Quran distribution in Pakistan is going as planned. This time, 326 Braille Quran sets will be distributed over several months. Maulana Waqar and his team have started dispatching the Qurans within Pakistan.
Visually impaired recipients in Sialkot, Hyderabad and at Nishtar Special Education Center in Kohat, have received their sets. Some received them personally from Maulana Waqar at various locations where he has his engagements.