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Blind children in Gaza do not have classes to learn Quran at school

Blind children in Gaza do not have classes to learn Quran at school so the summer camp is the time they come to learn and memorise the Quran. Please donate to the program and contact us for more details. The cost for each child is USD200 to cover 3 months of teaching but you can contribute any amount however small. We started with 12 children in 2012 and it has grown so popular we have 60 students applying to join this year Alhamdulillah

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Maulana Ubaidur Rahman Qasmi, Managing Director & Editor-in-Chief of Muallim, muslim lifestyle magazine based in India has visited IBQS

Maulana Ubaidur Rahman Qasmi, Managing Director & Editor-in-Chief of Muallim, muslim lifestyle magazine based in India has visited IBQS. Hindistan'da yayın yapan Muallim dergisi Genel Yayın Yönetmeni ve baş Editörü Maulana Ubaidur Rahman Qasmi Uluslararası Kabartma Kur'an Hizmetleri Birliği'ni ziyaret etti. Hindistan'da yaşayan görme engellilere yönelik Kabartma Kur'an Hizmetlerinin yaygınlaştırılması konusunda Uluslararası Kabartma Kur'an Hizmetleri Birliği ile Muallim Dergisi'nin işbirliği yapması konusunu detaylı bir şekilde değerlendirdik. Muallim'in Genel Yayın Yönetmeni Ubaidur Rahman, kendisine hediye ettiğimiz Kabartma Mushafı yakında kuracağı Mushaf Müzesi'nde tanıtacak. Müzede IBQS için de bir tanıtım köşesi oluşturulacak inşallah.

We have talked about cooperation possibilities between IBQS and Muallim to improve Braille Quran Services in India. Ubaidur Rahman will exhibit the Braille Mushaf gifted by IBQS at their Mushaf Museum. The museum also will have a corner to introduce IBQS inshaAllah.

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Brother Aslam Shareef from Hyderabad, India receiving a copy of a braille Quran from Alfitrah foundation through our IBQS partner in India

Brother Aslam Shareef from Hyderabad, India receiving a copy of a braille Quran from Alfitrah foundation through our IBQS partner in India , Maulana Qazi Muzammil of Rahman Foundation. Brother Aslam is with MS Education Hyderabad and teaches 130 blind students with his two companions in his school and other blind schools. They also teach by mobile phone . "If any blind is interested in learning but is unable to attend the class they call him or her and introduce braille script and some basics in shortest time in their school.

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Braille Quraanic primers and Juz 30 books sent by Alfitrah Foundation

Alhamdulillah our friends at MAVIN the Muslim Association for visually impaired people in Nigeria have received the braille Quraanic primers and Juz 30 books sent by Alfitrah Foundation. The students in the photos are now learning to read the Quran. We need to send more Braille Qurans and books to Nigeria so that we can reach more areas as many blind Muslims there have no access to the Quran.

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