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The Qur’an: A Handbook for the Disabled Community

In recent years, Qur’an, the holy book for Muslims, has come under increased scrutiny due to the widespread of Islamophobia and the growing threat of terrorism by certain extremist groups. It is considered by many as a book of hatred, anti-feminism, or even a ‘manual’ for terrorists. Some even went as far as planning to burn the book that is regarded as containing ‘the words of God’ by at least one billion people worldwide.

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Braille Quran summer camp for the students of the Light and Hope School in Gaza

Alhamdulillah the camp started last Saturday and we have 61 students from the School of Light and Hope this year, many of them have been coming every summer since we started in 2012, and they enjoy coming to summer camp like normal sighted students.We also have a mother and daughter , both blind, who have joined to learn and memorise the Quran together.

Last Ramadan, we launched the first Memorisation competition for all blind people in Gaza where they have to memorise Surah AlBaqarah. It was advertised over the radio, and many people, young and old, came from all over Gaza to take part. This year inshaa Allah, the competition will be to memorise Surah Aal E Imran.

Please donate so that all the students , and the competition get funded . Jazakallah khair.

Sponsor an iftar for a blind Somalian child

Sponsor an iftar for a blind Somalian child - it costs USD3 a day to provide the suhoor and iftar meals for a student at AlBasiir School for the Blind in Mogadishu. The children here are either orphans or from poor families and some live here all year, as they have no place to go during the holidays .

Mogadishu is one of the most dangerous places in the world so they do not receive much aid from NGOs as very few people visit here. 

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Al-Fitrah Foundation projects during Ramadan

We have 2 projects this Ramadan to help the blind :

One is the braille Quran summer camp for the students of the Light and Hope School in Gaza ( see poster in earlier post below)

The second one is the Ramadan Iftar program for the 44 students of AlBasiir School for the Blind in Somalia. It costs RM12 ( USD3) to provide a child with suhoor and iftar daily.

We would like to feature a child everyday from the school, please donate to this program via our website www.alfitrah.net stating whether you are donating for Gaza Quran camp or Somalia iftar.

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