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Our Trustee Haji Othman Isa has completed the Braille version of Forty Hadith Qudsi

Alhamdulillah our Trustee Haji Othman Isa has completed the Braille version of Forty Hadith Qudsi. Hadith Qudsi is a narration (hadith) which, from the perspective of its meaning, is from Allah, the Exalted, and from the perspective of its wording, from the Messenger of God (Allah bless him and give him peace) ( www.seekershub.org

We used the version published with kind permission from AS Nordin. It comes with both Arabic and English translation. It is now ready for distribution so please contact us if you would like a copy.


Visit from Sheikh Mahmoud Samhoun from the NGO Imam Al shatiby

Today we had a visit from Sheikh Mahmoud Samhoun from the NGO Imam Al shatiby in Lebanon. The organisation specialises in Quran teaching and memorisation . The sheikh has experience teaching the blind and knows Arabic braille.

We gave them some copies of our Quraanic books and inshaa Allah will work with them in the future to educate blind Muslims in the Middle East.

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The life of Shaykh Abdul Hamid Kishk

Who was Shaykh Abdul Hameed Kishk?

Sh. Abdul Hamid Kishk was potentially the greatest Islamic speaker of our era who had a voice that shook the Arab world.

He was born in Alexandria, Egypt in 1933 and grew up as an orphan after losing his father as a child.

In his teenage years he suffered from a medical condition that eventually cost him his eyesight.

He completed the memorization of the Quran at ten years old and was exceptionally bright in Islamic studies.

He graduated from Al Azhar University at a young age and soon after became Imam of a local Mosque.

In 1957, he returned to Al Azhar as a lecturer in the faculty of theology.

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