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We are planning to bring 4 teachers from Boarding Collage Al-Basiir to Malaysia in January 2016

We are planning to bring 4 teachers from Boarding Collage Al-Basiir to Malaysia in January 2016 inshaa Allah to train them in the use, repair and maintenance of braille embossers so that they can print their own school books in braille. In fact the braille embossers had been donated by the Malaysian government some time back, but they have been unable to use it due to lack of training.

They have also requested to visit schools for the blind in Malaysia to learn our teaching methods. They would like to bring back braillers, white canes and braille Math and Science books when they return to Somalia.

If anyone would like to assist , either financially, or providing transport or materials , or just to take the teachers around during the 2 weeks they are here in January, please let us know.

Braille Quran from Turkey
17 braille Qurans to be shipped free of charge by Turkish Airlines
Naley is a 10 year old blind orphan girl who boards at AlBasiir School