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Al-Fitrah Foundation sent 3 delegates to the 2nd Conference of the International Union of Braille Quran Services

Al-Fitrah Foundation sent 3 delegates to the 2nd Conference of the International Union of Braille Quran Services. It is the 4th meeting for us in Istanbul since we first assembled in Istanbul in February 2013. Alhamdulillah the network of contacts built up over the years has enabled Al-Fitrah Foundation to help many blind Muslims around the world , at last count we have reached people in 30 countries , and we continue to receive requests for braille Qurans and Islamic texts on a regular basis.

After this meeting, we will be able to be more effective too inshaa Allah.

We look forward to sharing and learning with delegates from 19 countries in order to improve access of the blind to the Quran and Islamic education Inshaa Allah.