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IBQS is proud to announce its new service for the benefit of Muslims with visual impairment

Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,
All praises is due to Allah the almighty, Peace and Salutations be upon our Beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW),

IBQS is proud to announce its new service for the benefit of Muslims with visual impairment. Alhamdulillah International Braille Quran Forum at
is now active for better communication and information exchange between brothers and sisters with visual impairment from different parts of the world as well as non-disabled Muslims who are willing to provide support.
The forum is also considered as an arena where experts in the field of Braille Quran to carry on fruitful discussions that enable them to improve their experience.
The followings are the main topics on the forum:
1. Share Sources
This section contains accessible Islamic sources for the blind and visually impaired individuals.

2. Acquaintance in my Local Area
Social needs become more prevalent in countries where Muslims are minority. Blind Muslims may also need to know other Muslim individuals or organisations on their areas to feel stronger. This section enables blind individuals to search for Muslim colleagues on their areas.

3. Trainer Zone
This section is established for Braille Quran trainers to discuss their teaching methods, challenges, or any other issue regarding braille Quran teaching.

4. Off Topic
This section is kept for discussions on the topics which are not covered in other forum sections.
International Braille Quran forum is a patent pending service of International Union of Braille Quran Services (IBQS)
May Allah the almighty make this service to be benefitial for our mission, amiin...